Depression Anxiety & Stress: Why Reprogramming is Measurably Better


When people hear the word reprogram it brings about thoughts of someone else taking control of their mind, but in the case of Subconscious Restructuring™ (SR™), the exact opposite is true. Observational subjective assessments without measuring emotional and gut health of a client are more in line with someone else running your thought processes.

Health Age and Death Begin in the Gut: The Top 5 Gut Health/Repair Supplements

Some attribute the quote “Death Begins in the Gut” to Hypocrites others attribute it to a GI doc from the early 1900s. Whatever the case we are now finding this statement to be true only I feel it is more significant than this, so I added health and age to the equation. I did this after suffering for over a decade and being forced to commit seven years of research to fix a long list of degenerative diseases with neurological disorders the most difficult to address.
