We have lots of them in our lives; firsts, that is!
They are powerful things!
Our first breath.
Our first word.
Our first steps.
Our first time up on two wheels.
Our first fall.
Our first skinned knee.
Our first day at school.
Our first job.
Our first team sport experience.
Our first love.
Our first broken heart.
Our first death of someone close to us.
Our first child.
I think you get the idea.
Today marks another first. My first business. I received a FedEx box today containing my Articles of Incorporation and other items that make Warrior Life Coach, LLC a viable business entity.
Realizing that we all have our firsts in some form or another, I recognize that they are all different. None better than the other, just the first of many experiences to come. It is with this in mind, I look forward to many new firsts, as working with future clients will always start with a first! A first contact, that is.
Please join me on the world wide web at www.warriorlifecoach.com where you can make your first contact and start taking your first steps toward new goals. Who knows your goal might even be a new first!
All the best!