Resilience Efficacy Accountability 


SR® is an evidence-based counseling coaching discipline which uniformly complies with and exceeds recommendations of an extensive Rand study on PTSD in the Military titled "Invisible Wounds of War." When SR® is implemented at basic training the warrior has the tools needed to effectively process information from the harsh environment of war which enables them to be consistently resilient. 

Benefits of an SR™ Certification


The SR® process has a 20 year efficacy in regard to the primary issues of PTSD and suicidality. You will see from our implementation summary we intend to go in with a proven fix and build an infrastructure which would enable the Military to effectively intervene and prevent PTSD and suicide long after we are gone. We will immediately implement three time proven instruments which address all issues brought up by an extensive Rand study on what needs to be done to effectively address the issues of PTSD, suicide and the full range of mental health issues with all service personnel. The Rand study is here

Go to Military PTSD Case & Group Studies

Dr. Jeffery T. Litchford (Retired Air Force) Dr. Ron Clark (Retired Marine Fighter Pilot) 


The Rand study emphasized accountability in the treatment of PTSD and depression. The SR® process has been doing this since its introduction into psychiatric care in 1990. Simply stated there is no other program process in behavioral health with the efficacy or documented results of SR®.