Why Antidepressants and PTSD Meds Must Be Replaced With D3, K2, Magnesium, B Complex, and Tryptophan
Following is an excerpt from the 2nd edition of “Subconscious Restructuring”
Following is an excerpt from the 2nd edition of “Subconscious Restructuring”
Following is an excerpt from the Subconscious Restructuring™ Book.
Question 1
When people hear the word reprogram it brings about thoughts of someone else taking control of their mind, but in the case of Subconscious Restructuring™ (SR™), the exact opposite is true. Observational subjective assessments without measuring emotional and gut health of a client are more in line with someone else running your thought processes.
Some attribute the quote “Death Begins in the Gut” to Hypocrites others attribute it to a GI doc from the early 1900s. Whatever the case we are now finding this statement to be true only I feel it is more significant than this, so I added health and age to the equation. I did this after suffering for over a decade and being forced to commit seven years of research to fix a long list of degenerative diseases with neurological disorders the most difficult to address.
Since Sigmund Freud discovered talk therapy and psychoanalysis in the late 1800’s, there has been little advancement in a modality for behavior change that works. One of the reasons for this is a means to measure whether one is making progress with a client. Neuroscientists and psychiatrists claim the processes of the human mind and the physiology of the brain is too complex to measure accurately.
Efficacy of empirical data in Subconscious Restructuring™ (mental health) occurs when constants are measured and changed and the legitimacy of the data occurs when it is generated by the client. The constant in Subconscious Restructuring™ (mental health) is the clients’ emotional state. Measuring, tracking, and improving this constant at every session is what brings about the efficacy of an intervention.
Ask anyone to define normal and they will reference behavior. Normal cannot be determined via behavior but it can be determined via emotion, which is the driver for behavior. When making an observational subjective assessment as is done with children and ADHD one is bypassing the driver of the behavior or the root cause. The term observational subjective assessment in translation simply means one is guessing because there is a void of any meaningful data.
Even the most ambiguous definition of a thought process cannot be misconstrued as an illness or disease yet this is exactly what has been done by big pharma in order to get approximately ten percent of the population in the US over the age of six on antidepressants.
Despite the fact, antidepressants can cause depression, suicidality, myocardial infarction (sudden death) along with over a thousand other contraindications including severe withdrawal symptoms they continue to be one of the most prescribed drugs in America.