Getting Trained

1. Find a Training Date that Works for You
2. Register for that Date
3. Within 24 hours of registrationSample Subconscious Restructuring Certificate

  • You will be designated as a pending SR™ Practitioner  at
  • You will be able to see several hundred pending clients and the reason they are seeking a Subconscious Restructuring™ Practitioner (Not allowed to contact until after training)
  • You will be granted access to your SR™ Tools
  • You will be sent the instruction set for the date you registered

*If there is not a training date that works you can request a date.

Training Timeline

Subconscious Restructuring™ Practitioner Training takes three days, four hours per day and will take place on the Burris Connect website.

Training Outline

Certification Requirements & Timeline

Certification Requirements:  After your Training, you are required to put three people through the Subconscious Restructuring™ process with before and after data collection and one follow up.

Certification Timeline: If you have three clients lined up prior to training, you can complete your certification in as little as two weeks.

Certification Completion

After completion of your certification, you will go Live at and be ready to start accepting new clients.

You can stay at the top of the page at Burris Connect simply by signing in every day. 

Support Before During and After Training and Certification

Your first year of Burris Connect Support is now included with your training.